Title: Bioregio Carpathians
Funder: EU SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme, priority area “Protection and Improvement of the Environment”
Value: EUR 6,000
Year: 2013
BioREGIO Carpathians, led by EURAC (European Academy) in Bolzano-Bozen, sought to show how the integrated management of the Carpathians’ natural assets can boost both sustainable development and ecological connectivity in the Carpathian region.
2Celsius contributed with in-depth research of protected areas and conservation in Romania in the Carpathian mountain range as a European context spin-off. The environmental legal research carried out by Raul Cazan, was published in “Toward the Protection of Biodiversity and Ecological Connectivity in Multi-Layered Systems” published by Nomos in Germany.
The book, edited by Mariachiara Alberton and enjoying contributions from prestigious professors such as Ludwig Kraemer, investigated the legal and policy instruments which directly or indirectly affect biodiversity protection and ecological connectivity at international, EU, regional, national, and sub-national levels. In particular, the analysis identifies the legal and strategic acts that support the maintenance or further improvement of ecological connectivity and the protection of habitats and species. (Series: Schriftenreihe der Europaischen Akademie Bozen, Bereich “Minderheiten und Autonomien”
Together with regional stakeholders, the project identified development opportunities in protected areas in the Carpathians and found ways of cooperation for bringing these opportunities to live.
It detected main ecological corridors in the Carpathian area and formulated policy recommendations that fostered the elimination of natural, legal, social and economic barriers that affect the ecological connectivity in the Carpathian region. With the development of Carpathian wide Red Lists of Habitats and Species as well as a Carpathian List of Invasive Species the project has shown the fragility of the ecosystem in the Carpathians and ways to stimulate further political action.
BioREGIO Carpathians was a transnational cooperation project, co-financed under the 2nd call of the EU SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme, priority area “Protection and Improvement of the Environment”. A close interrelation between the project’s and the Carpathian Convention‘s aims ensured an adequate follow-up of the project outcomes at the political level.